
2015-2021      Bachelor of Fine Arts with a Dual Concentration in Painting and                                Printmaking, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
2015-2021      Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, East Carolina University,                                            Greenville, NC
2015-2021      Minor in Science, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

Professional Experience

2018               Wine & Design Instructor, Greenville NC
2017               Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge, Greenville, NC


2021              Award of Merit, Undergraduate Art Exhibition, Greenville, NC
2017              Muise Award of Excellence in Printmaking, Undergraduate Art                                  Exhibition, Greenville NC
2015             Mural (approximately 3’x4’), Holly Springs High School,                                               Holly Springs, NC
                     1st Place in Extemporaneous Health Poster State Level, Health                                 Occupation Students of America (HOSA), NC
2014             2nd Place in Extemporaneous Health Poster State Level, Health                               Occupation Students of America (HOSA), NC
                     1st Place in 26th Annual Young Artist Exhibition, Visual Arts                                       Exchange, Raleigh, NC
2010             Mural (approximately 6’x10’), Holly Ridge Middle School, Holly                                 Springs, NC

Solo Exhibitions

2018            Solo Exhibition, Baja Burrito, Raleigh, NC
                    Solo Exhibition, Holly Springs Cultural Center, Holly Springs, NC

Juried Exhibitions

2015            ROYGBIV, Visual Arts Exchange, Raleigh, NC
2014            26th Annual Young Artist Exhibition, Visual Art Exchange, Raleigh,                          NC

Group Exhibitions

2021            Entropy & Etiology, II, Wellington B. Gray Gallery, Greenville, NC
                    Entropy & Etiology, Greenville Museum of Art, Greenville, NC
                    Undergraduate Art Exhibition, Wellington B. Gray Gallery,                                        Greenville, NC
2020           PrintsCharming, Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge, Greenville, NC
2019            3rd Annual Printmaking Guild Exhibition, Burroughs Gallery,                                    Greenville, NC
                    Undergraduate Art Exhibition, Wellington B. Gray Gallery,                                        Greenville, NC
                    Athenaeum: The Body as Inspiration, Health and Science Campus,                          Student Center Gallery, Greenville, NC
                    Printmaking Guild Exhibition, Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge,                          Greenville, NC
                    Bank of the Arts Print Show, Bank of the Art Gallery, New Bern, NC
2018            Undergraduate Art Exhibition, Wellington B. Gray Gallery,                                        Greenville, NC
                    Undergraduate Art Exhibition, Wellington B. Gray Gallery,                                        Greenville, NC
                    Printmaking Guild Exhibition, Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge,                          Greenville, NC
2017            First Friday Exhibition, Visual Arts Exchange, Raleigh, NC
                    Undergraduate Art Exhibition, Wellington B. Gray Gallery,                                        Greenville, NC
                    Undergraduate Art Exhibition, Wellington B. Gray Gallery,                                        Greenville, NC
                    Undergraduate Art Exhibition, Wellington B. Gray Gallery,                                        Greenville, NC
2016            Undergraduate Art Exhibition, Wellington B. Gray Gallery,                                        Greenville, NC
2014            Holly Springs High School Art Exhibition, Rex Healthcare, Holly                                Springs, NC


2019           SCG International: Texchange | Dallas, TX | March 6 – 9th, 2019


2019          REBEL Publication, Greenville, NC
2018          The Lookout Publication, Greenville, NC